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Library Program: The Story of a Marine Scout Sniper

Date – Time

May 24, 2016 – 6:30 PM


Waupun Public Library
123 S. Forest St.
Waupun, WI 53963 US

Additional Information

Join us for an educational event with Karla Jensen, author of Nobody's Hero: The Story of a Marine Scout Sniper.  In her book, Karla describes the life of Del Schultz, a local man who became one of the first top scouts/snipers and hand-to-hand combat killers with the Marines.  He was extensively trained in these skills--so much so that it became a part of him, a part he now wishes to forget.  This book has a dual purpose of sharing his story with his family and making peace with the past for himself.

Del has accompanied Karla to many of her events; we welcome him and hope he is able to attend this one.

Refreshments will be provided by Friends of Waupun Library.  This event is free to the public.